Fedrigoni Warehouse Case Study
Although the standard of Health & Safety at Fedrigoni is of a very high standard, they were experiencing a quite serious problem with forklifts occasionally skidding. As a company that take H&S very seriously the Operations Manager was keen to improve Floor Safety as much as possible and eradicate the skidding problem.
SlipTest undertook a complete floor safety audit and carried out slip resistance testing across all areas of the warehouse.
The Slip resistance testing proved there were a few areas that signalled a medium risk and one high risk when wet and although the official measurement is dry, Fedrigoni recognised the importance of addressing the wet risk too. All other areas posed a low risk of slip.
The Site Audit highlighted some problem areas, with more results showing as a higher risk of slip, the audit addresses the surroundings, behaviours of the people on the premises, the environment etc. It is essentially a fresh pair of eyes to help highlight the issues that may have been missed or just lived with for so long.
Five key recommendations were put into place to help Fedrigoni reduce the risk of a slip, trip or fall:
1. Improvements to cleaning regime – Area where most improvements can be made
2. Introduce a walkway system for pedestrians
3. Introduce matting at the pedestrian/driver entrance
4. Provide outdoor cover for the loading bay
5. Acquire External signage for loading bays and entrances to warn ‘Floor Slippery when wet’
6. Regular Testing
The Operations Manager found the ‘fresh pair of eyes’ and the insight regarding the impact the cleaning regime has on the risk of slip a real benefit. He plans to tackle the current cleaning regime as he recognises it would make the biggest improvements in helping to further reduce any slip risk on site.
An outdoor canopy is on order and due to be fitted as the colder wetter weather approaches.
Matting at pedestrian entrances, Signage to warn ‘slippery when wet’ are also being addressed.
Furthermore the benefits of regular testing are clear and further testing will be carried out in the future.